A blog for people in organisations.
With useful, first-hand tips from experts.
Are you already a project ambassador?
What do project ambassadors do, what activities do they take on in the project environment and why do projects and organisations benefit from them?
How Pecha Kucha brings distributed teams together
Pecha Kucha is a presentation technique that works very well for onboarding team members. Which questions help and what are the benefits?
5 reasons why you should prioritise user experience
Great software needs a focus on good user experience. What are the benefits and reasons for consciously prioritising UX when developing software?
Elevator pitch for techies
A good pitch needs to be learnt. What forms are there in addition to the elevator pitch, how do they build on each other and what tips are useful?
The ideal annual appraisal
The image of annual appraisals is negative. This is due to many mistakes that organisations make when conducting them. What tips help?
Lean product development: the holistic extension of lean production
Lean product development is more than just the application of lean methods and tools to product development. What is behind the approach?
Effective practices for a successful software transition
It happens time and again that a software system is handed over to a new team. What effective practices help with the software transition?
Two years later: what the 4-day week really achieved
The start-up openpack has been working a 4-day week for two years. Time for a look at the idea, expectations, the introduction and insights.
Buy software or have it developed
Should software be purchased or custom-developed? What arguments support standard software, and which favor custom development? A pros and cons.
Design Thinking is life!
How has Design Thinking evolved in recent years? And how can it bring the greatest benefit to companies today?
How does professional onboarding succeed in IT?
21% of employees leave companies again if there is no professional onboarding. How does good onboarding work in practice?
How do you create feel-good moments?
Feel-good moments are all situations that put you in a good mood. How can you consciously create these moments in your everyday project life?
Team learning: A revolution in personnel development
What is team learning, why is the approach so revolutionary and which formats are particularly helpful when people want to learn together?
Impulses for organisations – Part 6
Learnfluencers as the key to a learning culture, low performance vs. low performers and freedom for intelligent working – 3 impulses from 3 experts.
Do you talk about needs in the team?
In every team there are individual and collective needs. What influence do they have on the culture of trust and cooperation?
Mission customer focus
Companies are increasingly demanding greater customer focus. Why does this make sense and how can it be achieved? And who determines its success?
Brand Purpose: The golden thread of successful companies
What is the significance of a meaningful brand purpose for companies, employees and customers? And how can it be developed in practice?
Feedback in action: More than just words
Feedback is an opportunity for companies. Unfortunately, they often forget one little thing, but it is elementary for the interaction with customers.
Forming hypotheses: The forgotten tool
Many companies dealt with possible solutions after a short description of the problem. Forming hypotheses beforehand would certainly make more sense.
Small Data: The great potential of tiny information
Small Data is an alternative to Big Data. What is behind it, what is special about it and how can companies use it internally and externally?
Prompting for project managers: How to increase productivity
As a project manager, do you want to increase your productivity through targeted prompting? Here you will find practical tips with concrete examples.
The thing with responsibility
Employees want to take responsibility, managers want to hand over responsibility. Why does this interaction work so rarely in practice?
Karl Meier and sustainability in companies
The topic of sustainability offers opportunities and possibilities for companies. But how do you get started with the topic and where do you find support?
GOOD WORK – Principles of good cooperation
How can a sustainable working culture be created? How can good cooperation and results be realised? With GOOD WORK.
Impulses for organisations – Part 5
Children’s interest in software development, internal experts, the value of Scrum and search engine optimisation – 4 impulses from 4 experts.
Empirical requirements engineering
What is the aim of empirical requirements engineering, what are the difficulties and what is the current state of the art?
The use of ChatGPT in software development
Artificial intelligence with tools like ChatGPT is also on the rise in software development. How useful is that? A pro and con.
Product teams in the age of New Work
New Work offers opportunities and benefits for product teams, but also some challenges. How can real difficulties be overcome?
Benefits of cloud reporting: Power BI and Snowflake
Cloud reporting is a very useful approach to evaluating large amounts of data. How does this work with the tools Power BI and Snowflake?
Motives for storytelling in change processes
Storytelling in change processes can help to actively turn participants into supporters. Prerequisite: basic human motives are addressed.
Nine podcast heroines
Looking for podcasts by women on work culture, learning, leadership, coaching, management or politics? You’ll find great recommendations here.
Corporate freedom and responsibility
What would be the corporate impact if autonomy, creativity and personal responsibility of employees were to be seriously focused on?
Learning to code in schools
The question of whether children should learn to code already at school is hotly debated. One point is often overlooked: We need a revolution!
Conclusive ways to personnel development
Digitalisation is also forcing companies to rethink personnel development. Which areas of competence are becoming key factors?
How sustainable are software companies?
Software is changing the world. Are software companies ready to assume their responsibility for a sustainable transformation of the global economy?
Creating transparency for the steering board
The relationship between project management and steering board is not always easy. What tips help to create transparency?
Impulses for organisations – Part 4
Different characteristics of innovations, the longing for leadership and the effect of individual bonuses – 3 impulses from 3 experts.
The idea of chaos engineering
Chaos engineering has something that many a framework wishes for: practical relevance. What logic and principles does the approach follow?
From executive to leadership personality
What is the difference between an executive and a leadership personality? And how do more and more women succeed in leading with personality?
Radical acceptance
Radical acceptance is a powerful tool to strengthen the resilience of a team. How can it be implemented and where are the stumbling blocks?
IT portfolio management in classic organisational structures
IT portfolio management in classic organisational structures is a challenge. How does the agile application work? A practical report.
Poor marketing practices by companies
In some companies, certain processes, patterns or marketing practices are poorly thought out and not suitable for imitation. Here’s a selection!
Self-efficacy and collective efficacy in the team
Self-efficacy and collective efficacy are important for the success of teams. What influence does the work environment have on both factors?
Old white man
Who doesn’t know him, the old white man who resists change? Does he also exist in companies and what are the possible consequences?
Greenwashing – pros and cons
Greenwashing is considered bad and image-damaging, but many companies do it. What are the reasons and motives for and against it?
Understanding employees in their 30s
What phase of life are many employees in their mid-30s in and why is it important for companies to address this?
Impulses for organisations – Part 3
The superficial support of a community, cooperation instead of opposition and the prescribed return to offices – 3 impulses from 3 experts.
The desire of managers to create
What is your motivation to be a manager?Many people answer this question with the will to create. But what does this mean in practice?
Lencioni’s dysfunctions are toxic – what nonsense!
Patrick Lencioni defines five dysfunctions in teams. What are the correlations and what insights can be derived? A review.
Resilience and agility with the right focus
Many organisations want to become more resilient and agile. However, they often turn the wrong screws in the process. A thesis.
Creativity in companies
Creativity is an important ingredient for the success of companies. How creative are organisations and what tips promise improvement?
Finally, meaningful meetings!
It seems that nobody likes meetings. What is missing is a concept that optimises the path to decision-making to get more out of meetings.
Strong together: leadership and followership
Leadership and followership are two factors for good cooperation in organisations. How do you strike a balance between these factors?
Impulses for organisations – Part 2
Different working hours, communication about agility and a role in employee retention – three impulses from three experts on three topics.
Who is to blame?
Time and again, companies look for someone to blame. Why is this so, why do employees participate in it and what is the alternative?
The customer is king
Do you treat your customers like kings or do you not want this at all? And who is your king: the employees or the customers? An individual opinion.
10 factors for more customer satisfaction
Why should companies pay more attention to the success of their customers? And which factors work directly towards customer satisfaction?
Strategic networking
It’s nice to have people in your network who can help with questions. And how do you find such people? Through strategic networking.
Proxy Product Owner – a Scrum Antipattern?
What does a proxy product owner do? In which scenarios is he used and what are the challenges?
Decision-making ability – the success factor of teams
The decision-making ability in a team is a collective quality that is decisive for success in complex situations. How can it be shaped?
Opportunities and limits of self-organisation
Many organisations are showing interest in self-organisation. Where does it fit and where does it not and how can an introduction succeed?
8 reasons for professional requirements management tools
Many companies manage requirements in office tools. Why should companies use professional requirements management tools?
Stumbling blocks in the introduction of Kanban
Stumbling blocks lurk in the introduction of Kanban. A practical look at interpretations, terms, visualisations, workload, flow and metrics.
Hunting for key figures
Key figures are omnipresent in organisations. What are their purposes, what effects do they have and what blind spots loom?
Hard to beat: participative corporate communication
Participation is the magic word when employees are to become ambassadors. How does this change corporate communication?
Intrapreneurship needs empowerment and ownership
Interest in intrapreneurship is growing in organisations. With the help of empowerment and ownership, employees act like owners.
The art of omitting things
Driving innovation is indispensable for many companies. But sometimes less is more. How does the art of omitting things work?
Promote psychological safety
How can psychological safety contribute to meetings being more effective and better decisions being made together?
Corporate sustainability
Many companies are concerned with sustainability. How can a strategy be developed and which measures promise success?
Impulses for organisations – Part 1
Value pricing, effort estimation in software development and developer skills of Agile Coaches – 3 impulses from 3 experts on 3 topics.
Art meets Easter Bunny
Many artists have approached the motif of the Easter Bunny in their paintings. A surreal excursion into an art history and a homage to Easter.
The works council in the course of agile transformation
The works council can become a partner or opponent of the management in an agile transformation. How can they be positively involved?
Between stimulus and response
Stimuli trigger impulsivity in some people. But impulsivity is not a fixed trait. How can you react more calmly? You can find tips here!
ChatGPT, I need your help for my team!
How can we benefit from Artificial Intelligence? A conversation with ChatGPT about working in teams and team roles according to Belbin.
The 4-day week brings 3-day free time
The 4-day week is much discussed. While some companies are still arguing, others are already using the working model. What are the advantages?
From glorified backlog to customer success
The backlog as the ultimate to-do list becomes a burden, especially when it is unclear what constitutes product success. Which approach helps?
Internal agile coaching evolved
Organisations that rely on internal Agile Coaching have challenges to overcome. A fresh look at experiences helps here.
As a WOW! company shaping the future
Reinventing oneself again and again is becoming a constant challenge for companies. The time has come for the WOW! company!
User stories – when the harm is greater than the benefit
Formulating user stories with “As a [role], I want [function] so that [benefit]” can cause big problems. How can this be avoided?
4 big ideas to improve your sprint reviews
Many organisations could get more out of the sprint review in the course of product development. Which 4 ideas help to maximise the benefit of it?
Loyalty in companies – Part 3
What measures can be used to promote loyalty, how can strengths and weaknesses be dealt with and what helps in the face of uncertainty in companies?
I am (not) a personal brand!
What is the importance of personal brands for companies? A conversation with Heiko Roessel, Tanja Bernsau and Alex Rammlmair about personal branding.
How social enterprises measure and communicate their impact
Measuring and communicating their impact is a challenge for social enterprises. How do ethos, pathos and logos help in practice?
All feedback is toxic – what nonsense!
“All feedback is toxic” is heard more and more often. Why is this nonsense, what is Feedback 101 and why is feedback a process?
Content marketing today and tomorrow
A conversation with ChatGPT about the importance of clicks and impressions, and a possible end to content marketing as we know it today.
Requirements workshops in distributed software projects
Which fields of action are important in distributed software projects and how can successful requirements elicitation in workshops be achieved?
Loyalty in companies – Part 2
Even if there is no universal leadership concept, corporate culture is the foundation for loyalty. How can it be shaped?
Is New Work just business theatre?
Many organisations have difficulties with New Work. What conditions must be created so that New Work is more than just business theatre?
Beware: turnover of staff
In many industries, workers are as highly contested as customers. Unwanted turnover of staff can thus become a danger for companies. What to do?
Four special power skills in project management
The Project Management Institute lists 10 success factors for projects. They are particularly effective in combination with power skills.
Are likes a currency?
Why do people like posts on social media, what meaning can likes have and are likes a kind of currency and if so, for whom?
Loyalty in companies – Part 1
What is loyalty, which forms can be distinguished and what significance does it have in companies in topics such as leadership or communication?
Shift-Left – (never again) sleepless in DevOps
What is behind the Shift-Left approach and why does it have a maximum positive effect with DevOps? A field report!
What is the most important skill of companies?
“What is the most important skill for employees and for companies? – Madeleine Kern, Janine Tychsen and Joan Hinterauer answer these two questions.
Your company should become faster, more agile, more innovative?
Dealing with complexity determines the future viability of companies. What do organisations need to become faster, more agile, more innovative?
“We need training!”
Training is of little use when organisations want to address cultural issues and changes. What helps is an intentional discourse.
Actively letting go
Actively letting go is an approach in an uncertain time for a (working) life in which people want to shape the future according to their ideas.
Mental stress of the Scrum Master job
The Scrum Master job can bring mental stress. What circumstances contribute to this and what measures help to balance it out?
Leadership and self-leadership in project management
Project leadership without self-leadership does not work! How can self-leadership be learned and what are the effects?
Rating: Really wonderful!
The time is right for really wonderful book recommendations. Different themes, different motifs, exciting books!
My hibernation
How can you take a hibernation as a self-employed person and what are the rules of the game? A field report and a proposal.
Four tips for better meetings
Many people would like to have fewer or shorter gatherings. What are four tips to help create better meetings?
Tuckman was wrong – what nonsense!
Tuckman’s model of team development is often critically questioned. What did Tuckman do and what did he want to achieve? A classification.
Software development made easy
A hyperagile approach helps in the development of good software.10 tips for optimisation in software development – a satire.
The undermined project term and its consequences
In many companies it can be observed how the project term is undermined and employees are exploited. What can those affected do?
Software Bauhaus concept: One team to build it all
What is the Software Bauhaus concept? How does it help in the development of software and what advantages does it offer in practice?
Agility in the energy industry – it does work!
How can the path to (more) agility succeed in the energy industry? Which lessons learned are important? A field report.
Transparency in organisations
Many employees like transparency and associate it with freely accessible information and open communication. Where are the possible limits?
Using data science in retrospectives
Teams can prepare for retrospectives with data science methods and Jira data. A look at application scenarios and backgrounds.
Svelte – one new kid on the block
What is Svelte? What are the differences to other frameworks, when is it suitable for use and when should you wait a little longer?
Adaptive Facilitation
Adaptive Facilitation can help with complex and complicated issues. How does the facilitation method with its 18 principles work?
Factors of software acceptance
Lack of software acceptance jeopardises corporate investments. On which factors does acceptance depend and how can it be increased?
Building personal branding on LinkedIn
What is personal branding? Why do you need a personal brand and what strategy can you use to develop one?
The secret german podcast champions
Looking for great podcasts about decision-making, clarity or working in organisations? Here you will find a list of German podcast recommendations.
Customers don’t know what they want
Is it true that customers do not know what they want? Maybe service providers only hear what they want to hear? An appeal for good service.
Diversity connects
How can organisations deal with diversity in the right way, what is diversity in the first place and why should it be consciously promoted?
Transformation is a constant
We are living in an age of transformation, but what does this mean for companies and for their customers? And what comes after the transformation?
Recommendation marketing: Highly advised
Recommendation marketing is considered an effective means of customer acquisition. How does it work and what do you have to watch out for? A field report.
How do you and organisations learn?
“How do you learn?” and “How do organisations learn?” – Julia Collard, Tim Robert Zander and Tobias Leisgang answer these two questions in a conversation.
Eliminate requirements
How can you eliminate requirements if the quantity of requirements is too large and new requirements are continually being added?