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Up-to-date IT downloads.

Whitepapers, checklists and templates to take away.

Here you will find a selection of up-to-date IT downloads.

Whitepapers and guides, checklists and templates for working in projects and developing software. Continuously expanded and free of charge, of course. It makes sense to visit regularly.

Now available: Metrics Guide.

By the way: More than 65,600 whitepapers and guides, checklists and templates have already been downloaded.

“I really like your publications! Superbly summarised and nicely condensed!”

Martin Constantin

Agile Product Developer, Deutsche Bahn AG


The essence of complex topics in a concise format. We offer the following selection of whitepapers for download: 

Backlog Whitepaper Download
Clean Code Whitepaper to take away
Delegation Poker Whitepaper for free
Extreme Programming Whitepaper to download
Ideation Whitepaper Download
Prioritisation Whitepaper to take away
Requirements Engineering Whitepaper for free
Scrum Whitepaper to download
Software Implementation Whitepaper Download
Stakeholder Whitepaper to take away
Use Case Whitepaper for free
User Story Whitepaper to download


Interesting topics compactly summarised. You can download the following guides here: 

Acceptance Criteria Download
Brainstorming Guide to take away
Definition of Done Guide for free
Kano-Model Guide to download
Lean Coffee Guide Download
Metrics Guide to take away
OKR Guide for free
Onboarding Guide to download
Pair Programming Guide Download
Retrospective Guide to take away
Shadow IT Guide for free
Technical Debt Guide to download
Jobs as software developer in Berlin at t2informatik.

Ready for your dream job?

preview We are looking for talent and 100% passion. What are you looking for? You prefer to work with the latest technologies and a good software architecture is important to you? You have gained some experience and now you want to take the next step? Then become part of our great team. 

Anti Tips, Templates and Checklists

Knowledge for direct application. We offer you the following antitips, templates and checklists to take away with you:


Anti Tips for Online Meetings

Anti tips for online meetings to take away

Business Case Template

Business case template to take away

Customer Specification

Customer Specification Template to take away

Daily Scrum Checklist

Daily Scrum Checklist - to take away

I can…

I can... - Downloads - t2informatik

Idea Profile

Idea Profile Template Download

Kick-off Meeting Checklist

Kick-off Meeting Checklist to take away

Offboarding Checklist

Offboarding Checklist to download

Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding Checklist to take away

Product Owner Checklist

Product Owner Checklist to take away

Time Credit Template

Time Credit - Template to give time

Use Case Template

Use Case Template for free

You are also welcome to send us ideas, suggestions or feedback.