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What is the V-Modell XT Bw?

Smartpedia: The V-Modell XT Bw extends the V-Modell XT for the German Armed Forces and integrates procedural provisions for the determination, coverage and use of requirements.

V-Modell XT Bw – the enhancement of the V-Modell XT for the German Armed Forces

The V-Modell XT Bw is an extension of the V-Modell XT adapted to the needs of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr, Bw for short). It integrates the procedural provisions for determining, meeting and using requirements in the Bundeswehr resulting from Customer Product Management (CPM). As successor to the General Directives (GD 220 “Procedural Regulations for the Development and Procurement of Military Equipment” and GD 250 “Development Standard for Federal IT Systems: Procedure Model”), the CPM defines the procedure, responsibilities and procedures for the coverage of material and services, as well as the development and procurement of military equipment. In 2010, the CPM was revised and published as an amended “CPM novelliert” – CPM (nov.) for short. Accordingly, the documentation of the current V-Modell XT BW Version 1.4 also contains a part on the application of V-Modell XT with reference to CPM (nov.).

V-Modell XT Bw with parts and target groups

Differences between V-Modell XT Bw and V-Modell XT

Among other things, V-Modell XT Bw differs from V-Modell XT, also referred to as V-Modell XT (civil) in the context of the Bundeswehr, in the following points:

  • The V-Modell XT Bw basically addresses client projects, so that instead of the four known
    project types
    of the V-Modell XT it contains only one single project type – the system development project (Acquirer).
  • The project type variants are adapted and take into account the various CPM phases (analysis phase, implementation phase and utilization phase). In particular, these are the analysis phase part 2 (if applicable, immediate initiative), R&D measure with one supplier or with several suppliers, implementation phase (development and/or procurement, if applicable, immediate initiative) with one supplier or with several suppliers, as well as modification measure in use with one supplier or with several suppliers. There are suitable project execution strategies with corresponding decision gates for the respective project type variants.
  • The V-Modell XT Bw integrates the CPM-specific documents, i.e. selection decision (Auswahlentscheidung, AWE), capability gap and functional requirements (Funktionale Forderungen, FFF), capability gap and functional requirements (immediate initiative) (Fähigkeitslücke und Funktionale Forderungen, FFF(S)), R&D order, approval for use (Genehmigung zur Nutzung, GeNu), solution proposal (Lösungsvorschlag, LV), project mandate (Projektauftrag, PA), project-related data protection concept, project-related IT security concept, prioritized list of requirements and target agreement (Zielvereinbarung, ZV).
  • A CPM-specific glossary and an extended list of abbreviations were integrated.
  • As of V-Modell XT Version 2.1, V-Modell XT ORG provides an independent procedure for the introduction and continuous improvement of an organisation-specific process model. Of course, V-Modell XT Bw Version 1.4 did not yet include such innovations.


Here you can finde the documentation of the V-Modell XT Bw 1.4 (in German).

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