Sonja Tangermann, Mediator
Sonja Tangermann is a team leader at a nationwide foundation for early education in the MINT field with the aim of strengthening the self-efficacy of the participants and encouraging them to act sustainably. Her main focus is on product and project management, adult education and service, where she focuses on exchange and cooperation with people. Since 2019 she has also been working as a part-time coach and mediator to support organizations and individuals on their way to becoming capable of acting. She also supports the Mutland initiative on a voluntary basis.
Guest contribution by Sonja Tangermann, Mediator | Feb 15, 2021
Encouragement is a sign of attention that encourages others or oneself. How can we encourage in practice?
Guest contribution by Sonja Tangermann, Mediator | Sep 3, 2020
Encouraging leadership enables growth, development and potential unfolding. Why is this important from a business perspective?
Guest contribution by Sonja Tangermann, Mediator | May 20, 2020
Courage is a competence that is becoming increasingly important in and for companies. But demanding courage does not help, encouragement is needed.
Guest contribution by Sonja Tangermann, Mediator | May 2, 2019
How important is courage in professional life and for corporate innovation? How is it encouraged in organisations and how can courage be trained?