Gerhard Schneider from innoreq
Gerhard Schneider is managing director of innoreq GmbH, founder and systemic coach. In his 25-year career, he has experienced companies of all sizes in many different roles and situations. These experiences, his empathy and his critical view of organization and working methods allow him to recognize quickly what prevents the value creation of a company and causes waste. With his expertise in systems engineering as well as in modern, agile working methods in theory and practice, he opens up new perspectives for entrepreneurs and executives on a consistently value-creation-centered organisation that is capable of adapting to the challenges of the future and successfully shaping change.
Guest contribution by Gerhard Schneider from innoreq | Mar 16, 2020
Tenders cause great effort. What can contracting authorities do to improve the work with tenders? And why not only contractors benefit from this?
Guest contribution by Gerhard Schneider from innoreq | Apr 8, 2019
Companies often define processes that offer little benefit. How does a meaningful process definition succeed and why does a rethinking of process management become necessary?