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What is the Weit e.V.?

Smartpedia: The WEIT e.V. coordinates the maintenance of the German V-Modell XT as well as the support of the application by a certification programme.

Weit e.V. – ongoing development and maintenance of V-Modell XT

The V-Modell XT is a German standard for the planning and implementation of system development projects. It is used in companies, public authorities and in the military sector and is aimed at both clients and contractors. The WEIT e.V. coordinates the further development and maintenance of the V-Modell XT as well as the support of the application by a certification programme. In addition, Weit e.V. also maintains the V-Modell XT Bund and the V-Modell XT Bayern.

Members of the Weit e.V.

Weit e.V. (the e.V. stands for “eingetragener Verein” and means “registered association”) was founded in Potsdam, Germany, in 2008. The following organisations are members of the association:

  • 4Soft GmbH from Munich, founding member and full member
  • Bavarian State Ministry of Finance, extended member
  • Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund), founding member (formerly Bundesverwaltungsamt) and extended member
  • Airbus Defence and Space from Ulm, founding member (formerly EADS Deutschland GmbH) and full member
  • IABG GmbH from Ottobrunn, founding member and full member
  • Siemens AG from Munich, founding member and full member
  • Clausthal University of Technology, founding member and full member

The membership fee varies from 1.000,- Euro per year for supporting members, over 5.000,- Euro for ordinary members up to 25.000,- Euro for extended members.

Tasks of the Weit e.V.

The tasks of the Weit e.V. include:

  • The maintenance, care and continuous advancement of the V Modell XT and other procedure models. Currently the V-Modell XT in version 2.2 and the V-Modell XT Bund in version 2.1 are available.
  • The introduction, establishment, dissemination, maintenance, servicing and further development of certification programmes for V-Modell XT and other process models.
  • The creation, maintenance and release of curricula and examination questions for training and further education within the scope of certifications.

The V-Modell XT certification programme defines eight different certificates and distinguishes between personal, procedural and conformity certificates.

Impulse to discuss

Is there a need for a new V-Modell XT version?


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