What is a FedEx Day?
FedEx Day – think today, apply tomorrow
‘I don’t have time to sharpen the axe, I have to cut down trees!’ is the woodcutter’s answer when asked why he is not sharpening his axe to make cutting down trees easier. Many employees know this situation from their own experience: tasks pile up, deadlines loom, meetings follow one after the other – there is no time to improve processes or find innovative solutions to problems. This is where FedEx Day comes into play.
The FedEx Corporation is a globally operating US logistics company known for its express deliveries, which follow the motto ‘Buy it today, receive it tomorrow’. Derived from this, FedEx Day is an event or format in which employees of an organisation take up to one working day to discuss selected problems and develop solutions. [1] Thinking today, implementing the solution in practice tomorrow and applying it is the motto of FedEx Day.
Alternative names for this format are ‘ShipIt Day’, ‘Innovation Day’ or ‘Hack Day’. [2]
How FedEx Day works
Unsurprisingly, FedEx Day is divided into three parts:
- Preparation
- Implementation
- Follow-up
Preparation is the basis for the success of the event. First, a suitable date is set when all participants can fully concentrate on the event and the exchange. This should be communicated early to ensure smooth participation and minimise possible scheduling conflicts.
Depending on the size of the company and its objectives, FedEx Day can be set up in different ways: in smaller companies, all employees often take part, so that the entire company focuses on innovation for this period. In larger companies, the event is more likely to be organised for specific departments, teams or locations in order to work more specifically on specific challenges or improvements.
The selection of participants has a significant influence on the subsequent implementation of the day. That is why it should be made consciously and, if necessary, also communicated externally, especially if external partners are involved.
The choice of topic is either made through an open brainstorming session in advance or decided together on the morning of the event. Some companies set a central theme, for example, relating to product improvements, internal process optimisation or innovative business models. Others allow complete freedom, as long as the added value for the company is recognisable.
A moderator is appointed to ensure a structured implementation – this can be a manager, an innovation coach or another experienced person who ensures that everything runs smoothly. The moderator provides the participants with orientation, explains the rules and ensures that the teams can work productively.
The implementation begins with a short kick-off session in which the teams are formed or confirmed, the schedule is explained and open questions are clarified. This is followed by the working phase, in which they focus fully on their challenges.
During the specified time frame, for example over a working day, the groups work independently on their ideas. The structure of the working phase can be customised – some teams work through with focus, others set themselves small intermediate goals and exchange ideas regularly. If necessary, experts or mentors are available to provide selective support.
The role of the moderator during this phase is to ensure a productive atmosphere, remove obstacles and provide impetus where necessary. Teams can optionally hold short stand-ups to reflect on their progress.
At the end of the work phase, the results are presented. Each team has a set timebox (e.g. 10-15 minutes) to present their idea, how it would be implemented and the potential benefits for the company. The results are often presented as a live demo, pitch or interactive presentation.
After FedEx Day, it is important not only to document the results, but also to actively develop them. In a retrospective, participants should also reflect on:
- What worked particularly well?
- Where were there challenges?
- Which solutions have potential for further development?
Successful projects can be followed up – whether it’s through additional resources, an implementation roadmap or a handover to relevant departments. Documenting the solutions developed (e.g. in an internal wiki) also ensures that knowledge remains in the company in the long term.
Benefits and challenges of a FedEx Day
A FedEx Day offers companies numerous advantages and can unleash enormous innovative potential. One of the biggest benefits lies in promoting creativity and new ideas that often find no place in the regular workday. Employees are given the opportunity to work independently on challenges or problems that they themselves consider important. This not only strengthens motivation, but also identification with the company. In addition, teams benefit from cross-departmental collaboration, as different perspectives come together and innovative solutions arise.
The clearly defined time frame forces a focused, pragmatic approach and ensures that tangible results are available at the end of the day. In addition, a FedEx Day contributes to the development of a creative and solution-oriented corporate culture, as employees can learn from each other across departments and build new networks within the company.
At the same time, such a format also presents challenges. One of the biggest difficulties is finding the right balance between freedom and structure. If the guidelines are too narrow, it can inhibit creativity, while too much freedom can cause teams to work aimlessly. Clear but flexible moderation is therefore essential.
Another problem can arise after the event: not all the ideas developed are followed up, which can cause frustration. Companies should ensure that promising solutions or projects are not simply left to fend for themselves, but are actively developed further.
The impact on day-to-day work must also be considered, because regular tasks are put on hold during a FedEx Day. Good planning is necessary to ensure that customers, ongoing processes or important projects are not affected. In addition, the selection of participants plays a crucial role. Inviting only certain teams can lead to acceptance issues. At the same time, it could be challenging for employees who have little experience with self-organised work to remain productive in this format.
Finally, there is the question of how to measure the success of a FedEx Day. Companies should define clear criteria to identify promising ideas and ensure that they are not forgotten after a short time.
A well-planned FedEx Day can be a valuable tool for promoting innovation and collaboration within a company. To ensure long-term benefits, it is important not only to organise the day itself well, but also to ensure a structured follow-up in which selected ideas are further developed and implemented.
Impulse to discuss
How could a FedEx Day work across companies?
[1] The main difference between a FedEx Day and, for example, a brainstorming session is the duration of the idea generation. Brainstorming sessions usually do not last longer than 2 hours, whereas a FedEx Day is designed for a whole working day. Some sources on the internet talk about up to 24 hours, but this is more in line with the idea of ‘think today, apply tomorrow’.
[2] The alternative name ‘Hack Day’ is very fitting; a hack is, among other things, an unusual solution to a problem, a technical trick, a functional extension, a workaround or a bypass of security mechanisms. And what is FedEx Day about? Solving defined problems.
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