Heike Rosenberg from Consulting Rosenberg
Heike Rosenberg studied linguistics and economics at the Free University of Berlin. During this time, she completed internships in journalism and spent a semester in Houston, Texas, USA as an intern in the human resources department. She has been working full-time at IKK Südwest since 2006. Initially as a project and team leader for office communications and since 2008 as a personnel officer. Ms. Rosenberg heads the specialist group "IKK, my family & me" and the project "Introduction of the digital personnel file and workflow". She is a qualified trainer, systemic management coach, nursing guide and ProfilPASS consultant. Since December 2018 she has been working as a part-time consultant, speaker and trainer. Ms. Rosenberg is involved in BPW Saarbrücken on an honorary basis, has two children and now lives in St. Ingbert, Saarland.
Guest contribution by Heike Rosenberg from Consulting Rosenberg | Oct 21, 2019
The development of competences is very important for companies. What learning formats exist and how do employees learn specialist knowledge?