Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler
Tatjana Lackner is one of the leading communication & behavior profilers. Her eye captures people. Her ear hears personal details from every voice. She recognizes the smallest aspects of behavior. The “Trainer of the Year” (Magazin Training) is a politician coach, 6-time bestselling author, 2-time mother and already a young grandmother. Tatjana Lackner is by her effective Coachings Top Trainerin of German-language radio and television moderators, of many high-level personnel, managers, politicians and successful enterprises at home and abroad. She recognizes the potential learning fields of her clients in a flash. She formulates her trainer feedback in a precise, accurate and noticeably honest way. Tatjana Lackner’s trainings, seminars and events guarantee a high fun factor.
Guest contribution by Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler | Mar 10, 2022
A conversation about rhetoric, the writing of reflections and the importance of the voice in the wake of numerous digital formats.
Guest contribution by Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler | Feb 27, 2020
Is there a change in communication “in business”? Does the same apply to communication, rules and channels for both small and large companies?
Guest contribution by Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler | May 16, 2019
What does nudging mean? How does communication change in companies? What trends are there in podcasting and what beliefs can be observed?
Guest contribution by Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler | Jul 30, 2018
What are the differences in communication between Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y and Z? Which values, attitudes and goals influence communication?
Guest contribution by Tatjana Lackner, Communication Profiler | Jun 25, 2018
Emojis are often part of a written communication. Where can they be used in business, where should they be avoided and what are current trends?