Peter Fluehr, Systemic Coach
Peter Fluehr is a graduate sports scientist specialising in prevention and rehabilitation, a teacher of Taijiquan and bodywork, a coach for integrative leadership and a systemic coach. In addition, he has been an instructor in the training of coaches for many German sports associations (including DTB, BLSV, BTV, BGKV) and since 1999 freelance trainer and coach in the qualification of specialists and executives in the areas of resilience, persuasion and healthy leadership.
He accompanies people competently and humorously on their way to health, so that they can freely develop their strengths in their professional and private lives. His goal is therefore to establish body awareness and the wealth of experience associated with it in the professional environment as a means of personal development and stress management. While most people just want to control these aspects and thus deprive themselves of their power, a lively, creative and courageous approach to them offers ways to counter the increasing complexity and ever-greater pressure in modern professional life.
Guest contribution by Peter Fluehr, Systemic Coach | Mar 13, 2025
The art of taking a break is an invisible factor in the success of competitive sports. How can breaks be continuously integrated into our daily work?