Marie Bockstaller from Leading with ...
Marie Bockstaller's career is a classic: bachelor's degree in psychology, then master's degree in neurosciences and then the doctoral thesis. Towards the end of her dissertation she decided to change her life. Overnight she became the team manager of a team of 20 people. She discovered the power of emotional leadership and developed her leadership style: respectful, attentive, motivating, appreciative. She then decided to go one step further and founded her company Modern Bakery. With her company, she wanted to finally create business gifts that radiated genuine appreciation for employees. It was also about emotional leadership. The product was a means to that end. Since it was all about the message, she decided to make her voice heard and also started the podcast "Leading with...".
Guest contribution by Marie Bockstaller from Leading with ... | Jul 16, 2020
New Leadership is a catchword that is increasingly being demanded. Why is New Leadership so important and what characterises it?