Anja Blesl, Agile Motion
Anja Blesl is a graduate engineer with over 20 years of experience in change projects in logistics, production and lean management. She focuses on the implementation of new topics through impulses and projects. True to her motto "AgileMotion" she likes to move people and keeps them moving through her motivating way. As a sketch artist, she visualises what she has experienced and is a trainer for brain-oriented work according to Vera F. Birkenbihl. Besides she moderates small and large group events.
Currently she is responsible for the worldwide production system at a global automotive supplier. Prior to that, she spent 18 years with a globally renowned group known as an automotive supplier, manufacturer of industrial technology, consumer goods, energy and building technology.
Guest contribution by Anja Blesl, Agile Motion | Apr 30, 2020
What is Lean Kanban and what is Agile Kanban? What are the differences and what are the experiences with the introduction of a Kanban board?