Friedhelm Becker from DCB Becker
Friedhelm Becker was born in 1952. He is married and has three daughters and four grandchildren. After successfully completing his studies in chemistry, he worked for three years in a building materials testing laboratory and then for eight years in the German Armed Forces. He is a retired naval officer.
After retiring from military service, Mr. Becker worked for well-known companies in the computer engineering (Univac, Sperry, UNISYS) and aerospace (Lockheed-Martin) sectors in various applications. Since 1974 he has been working in the field of computer-aided sensor-effector integration without any significant interruptions. Since 2013 he has been the owner of DCB Distribution & Consulting Becker.
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Guest contribution by Friedhelm Becker from DCB Becker | Nov 4, 2019
Can you imagine milk and petrol being transported in the same tank? In a figurative sense, computer manufacturers do just that, and that has consequences.
Guest contribution by Friedhelm Becker from DCB Becker | Oct 7, 2019
Hackers consistently exploit deficits in the computer architecture. What are the deficits and what could a computer architecture of the future look like?